Heat Gun (30657) Due 26/06/2024

2000W Unit, 2 x attachments, case

This dual-speed, compact 2000W heat gun is a great addition to any toolbox. This power tool is ideal for stripping paint, softening adhesives, thawing frozen pipes, bending plastic pipes, shrinking fittings, soft soldering and more.

A 2-speed fan switch allows you to switch between temperatures of 400oC and 600oC, with an air flow between 250 and 500 L/min.

This 2000W heat gun also has a front heat shield to help direct heat flow, while an in-built thermal protection system will deactivate the heating coil if the nozzle is too close to the surface. This helps prevent fire hazards and over-heating.

The features of this heat gun include:

  • Powerful 2000W motor
  • Dual temperature switch (400oC/600oC)
  • Air flow of 250L/min or 500L/min
  • Front heat shield
  • Inbuilt thermal overload protection for safety.

Product Page: https://www.ryobi.com.au/products/details/2000w-heat-gun-dual-temp-ehg2000

Click "View Additional File" for Manual

Manual: https://manualsau.ttigroupna.com/system/files/95/original/ryobi-EHG2000-manual-1.pdf?2016

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